Next: Career Crafting Session

(Leenders Lounge Room 2110 6:00pm-7:00pm)

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FACILITATOR: Ahsan Syed, HBA 2014 

Ahsan Syed.jpg

Bio: Ahsan is an HBA2 enrolled in the dual degree program with Ivey and Environmental Sciences. He is maximizing his time at Ivey by also completing a certificate in entrepreneurship and a certificate in sustainability. After attending GreenLearning Canada’s six-week extensive leadership program in B.C called the Redfish School of Change, Ahsan became empowered to solve the world’s growing environmental problems. He hopes to bring the issues of sustainability to the forefront of the business world. Ahsan has extensive experience working with a number of start-ups and hopes to pursue a career in management consulting after graduation. Ahsan has taught a four-week business course at the Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia. He has also visited family in Karachi-Pakistan, Accra-Ghana, and the west coast of the U.S. Interests: Ahsan has a great passion for philanthropy, specifically as it relates to the environment. He has been involved with hands-on conservation with the Thames Talbot Land Trust, volunteer work with Enviro-Western, and is the president of the Ivey Sustainability Club. He is also an adrenaline junkie, who loves to play sports. From varsity wrestling in high school, intramurals at Western, city obstacle course runs, to century rides on his road bike. Other interests include playing the guitar, and sending his friends originally-sketched portraits on their birthdays. 


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